If you think you’ve seen more international flights at Querétaro International Airport (AIQ) than ever, it’s probably not your imagination: federal data shows a spike in international travelers passing though AIQ in 2024. According to data from the Infrastructure, Communications, and Transportation Ministry (SICT), the number of international passengers traveling through AIQ went up by 60.3% in the first half of the year to 313,832.

That means the airport saw 174,618 more international passengers between January and June this year than in 2023, when it saw 195,836 international passengers. Domestic passenger traffic at AIQ also increased this year, by a more modest 10.1%, from 563,056 passengers in the first semester of 2023 to 619,678 in the same period of 2024, the newspaper El Economista reported.

International AIQ travelers represented 33.6% of total passenger traffic at the airport in 2024 (up from 25.8% in the same period of 2023), while domestic travelers represented 66.

4% of passenger traffic (down from 74.2% of AIQ’s total traffic). So far, June has been the airport’s best month this year, with a total of 171,427 passengers (domestic and international) passing through the airport.

The monthly average for 2024 at AIQ stands at 155,585 travelers, according to El Economista. In 2024, with its increase in international travelers, AIQ has become Mexico’s ninth top airport in terms of international passenger traffic. The top airport is the Cancun International .