, the director who recently ruffled feathers, has sparked controversy with his comments on the suggesting that shares some of the blame. In the past year, Baldwin has been entangled in a manslaughter case after cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was fatally shot on the set of the film Rust when a live round was discharged from a prop gun Baldwin was using. While appearing on Bill Maher's Club Random podcast, Tarantino pointed the finger at armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed for 90% of the responsibility, but also insisted that actors should inspect their own weapons.

“It’s a situation, I think I’m being fair enough to say, that the armorer — the guy who handles the gun — the armorer is 90% responsible for everything that happens when it comes to that gun,” Tarantino declared. “But the actor is 10% responsible. It’s a gun.

You are a partner to responsibility to some degree." This contradicts the position of SAG-AFTRA, the actors' union, which has previously stated that weapon checks are not an actor's responsibility. In July, a judge dismissed the manslaughter charge against Baldwin after prosecutors mishandled evidence.

Baldwin has since filed lawsuits against Special Prosecutor Kari Morrissey and Santa Fe County Sheriff Adan Mendoza. During the podcast, Tarantino went on to add: “If an actor knows he has three hot rounds in his gun and he knows that, 'Okay I’m going to do a scene' ..

. If one of the rounds doesn’t go off while he does his bam bam bam then he sho.