Despite living in a horrific Nazi concentration camp, Jaap Polak and Ina Soep continued to write love letters to one another. The couple’s letters were published in 2000 and were featured in a documentary film of this same title. Their relationship inspired Composer Gerald Cohen and librettist Deborah Brevoort ‘s first opera together, “Steal a Pencil for Me.

” The couple was present at the first workshop performance of the opera which coincided with celebration of Jaap’s 100th and Ina’s 90th birthdays. “Steal a Pencil for Me” was then given its premiere production in 2018 by Opera Colorado . And now the opera is available for all to listen to via a new audio recording released on August 23, by Sono Luminus.

Marlan Barry served as Producer and Recording Engineer, along with Co-Engineer Scott Burgess. Denise Burt designed the album cover. Original cast members Gideon Dabi , Inna Dukach , Adriana Zabala , and conductor Ari Pelto are featured on this recording.

Cohen and Brevoort spoke to OperaWire about their experience with this unique opera and its immortalization in the new recording. OperaWire: Why this story? Gerald Cohen: My parents are both refugees from Europe, my mother from Germany fleeing the Nazis in the 30s, and my father left in the 30s from Poland. He had many friends and family who were killed by the Nazis, so I grew up hearing stories, and also hearing survivor’s stories at my synagogue.

The thing about survivors’ stories, is that they are bot.