Two-time Olympic medalist PV Sindhu tied the knot with her long-time boyfriend, Venkata Datta Sai, on December 22. The intimate wedding was held in Udaipur, with the bride donning a bunch of designer looks for her pre-wedding and varmala ceremony. Here's a breakdown of all the outfits PV Sindhu sported for her wedding festivities: A contemporary twist on Mehendi The bride chose a Papa Don't Preach lehenga, a label known for their modern and fun take on traditional wear, for the Bridgerton-themed mehendi ceremony.

She completed the look with an elaborate headgear. Traditional Of course, how can an Indian wedding ever be complete without a Red banarasi silk saree? For one of the pre-rituals, PV Sindhu donned a gorgeous Banarasi red Katan silk saree by Sabyasachi. Glamorous For the sangeet and cocktail party, the athlete decided to channel her inner diva in an Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla gown.

The Mughal-e-Azam theme of the sangeet was perfectly complimented by the bride's self-on-self embroidered gown featuring bugle beads and crystals. All-white for haldi Stepping away from the usual yellows of haldi, PV Sindhu was instead clad in a three-piece outfit by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla and jewellery by Vaidaan. Varmala ceremony For the varmala and ring ceremony, PV Sindhu turned into the prettiest Sabyasachi bride.

She wore a hand crafted Mysore silk lehenga, paired with an embroidered dupatta and the house classic “Kanthi” blouse, from the Sabyasachi Heritage Bridal collection. Ivory.