It was well past midnight in Chicago. Straining to smile, President Biden was led backstage after a speech that was delayed, angry and bitter — a reflection of a man who failed to lead and who had been politically marginalized since his administration began. With his exit, something profound has happened in our nation’s politics: the final death knell for traditional liberals in the Democratic Party.

Over the last 15 years, we’ve watched the Democratic Party go from Frank Capra to Franz Kafka, morphing from the amiable liberal establishment of President John F. Kennedy, House Speaker Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill and President Bill Clinton to a juggernaut for American socialism.

True, Marxism has been marching through our institutions for decades, unchecked by conservatives who lack the stomach for the fight. This transformation, however, is more than the installation of a new set of big government types who think the New Deal and Great Society programs were well intentioned but poorly implemented. Pushing Mr.

Biden off the Democratic ticket is an unmitigated victory for the far left, which is now in control of the party establishment. It’s a victory for people who have a different worldview than the vast majority of Americans. Mr.

Biden was never part of the leftist club. He was a vestige of a time before President Barack Obama’s silver-tongued, almost conservative-sounding rhetoric masked a revolution within the party, driving it toward central planning and weapon.