Sharing the purported video of the incident on Facebook, Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) Badal president Sukhbir Singh Badal said the law and order situation in Punjab has completely deteriorated. Amritsar : In a shocking incident, two miscreants entered the house of a US citizen in Punjab’s Amritsar and opened fire at him at a close range in a broad daylight on Saturday. The NRI, Sukhchain Singh, was shot in the head and neck by the two armed turbaned assailants in front of his family at his residence in Daburji village, police said.

The attackers who came on a motorbike and did not wear masks entered the house of the American citizen on the pretext of asking for the registration certificate of his luxury car that he purchased this week, police said. Singh’s family members, including his children, were present in the house when the assailants fired shots at him at point-blank range. The children pleaded not to harm their father with folded hands.

Following the incident, the accused managed to flee the spot. The victim was immediately rushed to a private hospital in Amritsar with critical bullet injuries. CCTV video of incident surfaces The incident was caught on a CCTV camera.

In the clip, the armed miscreants can be seen entering the residence of the victim and asking him to enter a bedroom before opening fire at him at close range. Three shots were fired at Singh. The video also showed locals rushing to rescue the victim, who was lying on the ground after the attacker shot a.