The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) issued a show-cause notice to the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) on December 26, seeking a response within a day regarding the issue of dead fish found in the Mula-Mutha River at Naik Bet near Naidu Hospital due to the discharge of untreated water. The notice highlights that PMC discharges approximately 90 MLD of untreated sewage daily into the rivers. While the old Naidu STP has been demolished, the new facility is still under construction and lacks alternative power arrangements.

Additionally, several STPs across the city, with a combined capacity of 567 MLD, are operating without MPCB approval. The approval for these STPs expired on December 31, 2023. Let us know! 👂 What type of content would you like to see from us this year? Let us know! 👂 What type of content would you like to see from us this year? According to the MPCB notice, sewage from three drains near the Naidu STP is flowing untreated into the river.

The untreated sewage, characterized by its black colour, foul odour, and pH levels of 6 to 7, has been cited as the cause of fish mortality. The MPCB has demanded a compliance report within 15 days and instructed PMC to submit a long-term plan to achieve 100% sewage treatment. Failure to comply with the notice will result in legal action.

MPCB regional officer J S Salunke stated, “My team visited the site and we have issued a notice regarding this. MPCB will initiate legal action against your unit without givi.