Aviation enthusiasts have been hearing about it all week. Now they’ll get a chance to see it. Selfridge Military Air Museum will host a public unveiling for their newly restored FG-1D Corsair fighter from 11 a.

m. to 5 p.m.

, Saturday at the museum on Selfridge Air National Guard base in Harrison Township. Ed Kaminski, special events co-ordinator for Selfridge Military Air Museum said it’s been a 10 year project that required a lot of blood, sweat, tears and donations so everyone is quite excited for the unveiling. Guests attending Friday’s event will not only get the chance to see the new warbird but dozens of other aircraft and displays illustrating the evolution of flight and the role played by Selfridge Field.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the public unveiling. But visitors will need to pre-register for entry into the base at selfridgeairmuseum.org .

Admission to the museum is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and veterans and $5 for children. For more information visit selfridgeairmuseum.org.