In response to social media buzz on civic services, Dhofar Municipality has issued a statement detailing the measures taken to address various concerns raised by residents and visitors. The municipality emphasised its commitment to maintaining a clean and safe environment, as well as upholding the cultural values of the region. It confirmed that a campaign has been launched to remove informal camps that sprung up in public areas.

‘Efforts are ongoing to identify and provide suitable alternatives in accordance with local regulations.’ This move follows several citizens voicing concern on social media about the proliferation of unregulated camps, which they felt were defiling the natural beauty of Dhofar while posing potential safety hazards. Frustrated with the unauthorised camps, one took to X.

“These have not been removed,” he wrote, highlighting the need for quicker action. In response to concerns about general hygiene and food safety, the municipality informed that it has taken action against businesses that failed to meet sanitation standards. ‘Any activity in which workers did not adhere to general hygiene requirements were issued violation notices,’ the municipality stated.

Additionally, operations where animals were slaughtered without following health regulations were shut down and offenders were referred for legal action. Public reaction to these measures was mixed. While some residents praised the municipality’s swift response, others raised additional.