‘ Puber Moyna ’ is kickstarting a new chapter in its storyline as the lead protagonists of the Bengali television show Roddur and Moyna are set to begin their journey as newlyweds. After Gunja , who was supposed to marry Roddur, eloped with Shreyash leaving Roddur at the wedding altar, the Dagupta family came back humiliated and devastated. Ronjaboti, Roddur’s mother, became stubborn to get her son married and she picked Moyna as Roddur’s bride.

Everyone in the family spoke against this match and Roddur was left shocked. Ronjaboti asked for Moyna's hand from Debshankar for Roddur and assured him that she would continue her studies even after marriage. Debshankar and Moyna’s grandmother finally agreed to the match.

After Ronjaboti threatened to leave the house, Roddur finally agreed to marry Moyna to not upset her any further. However, Roddur agreed to the marriage on a few terms. He asked Moyna to promise him that she would leave the Dasgupta residence once she became self-sufficient.

Moyna agreed to Roddur’s conditions and promised him that she would never ask to be treated as his wife. Finally, as per Ronjaboti’s instructions and wishes, Roddur and Moyna tied the knot. Megh, Mohor, Bojro, Bihan and Pratik helped the newlyweds conduct their post-wedding rituals.

Once the post-wedding rituals were over, Ronjaboti decided to host the Boubhaat of Moyna on the next day as Debshankar and Moyna’s grandmother wanted to go back to Bangladesh as soon as possible. Mean.