Summary PSA flight attendants are ready to strike for fair pay increases and benefits that match mainline carriers. The union hopes to use the threat of a strike to force management into reasonable contract negotiations. A 'CHAOS' strike could cripple PSA Airlines, pushing management to offer better deals to flight attendants.

On August 9th, the union representing the flight attendants at PSA Airlines, a wholly-owned regional subsidiary of American Airlines, reported that PSA flight attendants will take a strike authorization vote. Why strike? According to the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) , the strike authorization vote is in response to the insulting proposals put forward by PSA and American Airlines management during contract negotiations with the flight attendants. Flight attendants at PSA Airlines and other regionals often struggle to pay basic bills, and some entry-level flight attendants are below the poverty line.

This is disappointing, given that American Airlines ' management team often rewards itself with massive bonuses and compensation while the workers suffer. Lee Wilkes, the President of the PSA chapter of AFA-CWA, which represents over 1,300 PSA flight attendants, said in a statement that: “Life at PSA is unsustainable for Flight Attendants without significant improvements. The cost of living has skyrocketed while our pay remains delayed.

We can’t afford to wait any longer. We’re ready to show PSA and American management that we will do .