If there's one thing people love to do on social media, it's add protein to their favorite foods and drinks. The latest viral drink on TikTok is "protein Diet Coke" — popularized by creator Rebecca Gordon, whose post about the drink, which she says is trending in Utah, has garnered in five days. Since then, many other TikTokers around the country have tried it and posted their own versions.

So, what is protein Diet Coke, and does it have the nutritional value the name suggests? As a registered dietitian, I'm breaking down the nutrition of the drink and revealing whether it's worth trying. "Protein Diet Coke" combines a ready-to-drink vanilla protein shake and Diet Coke. Most videos with #proteindietcoke on TikTok seem to use , an ultra-filtered, high-protein vanilla milk drink.

TikTokers pour the drink into a large Diet Coke, stir and enjoy. But here's a secret: This is not a new idea. It's strikingly similar to an egg cream, a favorite drink among baby boomers.

An egg cream is a combination of seltzer, chocolate syrup and milk. It doesn't use as much milk as protein Diet Coke, and people drink it for enjoyment and not for the protein. It's also similar to , another Utah drink trend that went viral in 2022.

I wasn't able to find exactly where protein Diet Coke originated, but some of the social media posts also link it to Utah. Protein Diet Coke contains just two ingredients: Diet Coke and a vanilla protein milk. Let's break down the nutrition of each.

Diet Coke (or any sod.