(BPT) - When Skippy Reeves’ mother lost her eyesight to wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD), treatments didn’t exist. After experiencing symptoms himself years later, Skippy went to his eye doctor immediately and was diagnosed with wet AMD. Unlike his mother, he had options available to help keep his vision thanks to the help of treatment.

“Getting started with Vabysmo as soon as I was diagnosed has allowed me to keep my vision as I continue doing the things I love with clarity and joy – fishing, golfing, and watching my grandsons play sports,” Skippy said. According to a survey of 56 retina specialists – eye doctors who treat wet AMD and other retinal conditions – 95% of them would use a treatment called Vabysmo to care for their own loved ones to treat vision loss caused by wet AMD.* Vabysmo is a prescription medicine given by injection into the eye [1] , and is the first and only FDA-approved treatment thought to block two causes of wet AMD [2] .

Patients should not use Vabysmo if they have an infection in or around their eye, have active swelling around their eye that may include pain and redness, or are allergic to Vabysmo or any of the ingredients in Vabysmo. Skippy is also passionate about advocating for the best care not only for himself, but for his family and friends as well. “Making my loved ones aware of this condition and the value of treatment is very important to me,” Skippy added.

Esther L. Kim, MD, a retina specialist at Orange Co.