When the Thursday quiz was first mooted, it was pitched as being a bit like a pub quiz, with topical questions and some general knowledge, but it would be at a lunchtime and everybody would be sober. Unfortunately, since that original lofty ideal, it has now turned out to mostly be a string of obscure in-jokes hastily scribbled on the back of an envelope down the pub on a Wednesday night. Still, here we all are.

Have fun, and let us know how you get on in the comments. The Thursday quiz, No 186 1. Who had to apologise this week after accidentally including the URL of an adult website (very much not pictured) on their branded packaging? Coca-Cola Morrisons Mattel The BBC Reveal 2.

Social media influencer Matthew Choi got himself disqualified from the New York marathon after he did what? Had a camera crew on e-bikes in tow as he was running the course Replaced the official sponsor branding on his vest number with adverts people paid for via TikTok Obstructed other athletes by taking selfies just ahead of the finish line Stopped halfway through to eat as many hot dogs as he could in 10 minutes as part of a Twitch livestream challenge Reveal 3. England’s troubled HS2 railway (pictured) from somewhere near London to somewhere near the Midlands spent a cool £100m on covering a section of track with a shed to protect a woodland species of what? Bat Shrew Owl Feral hog Reveal 4. Which of the approximately one billion celebrities to have recently written a children’s book has had.