HOLLAND LAKE LODGE Eric Jacobsen doesn't know exactly what he'll do with Holland Lake Lodge if he buys it. So far in the nascent stages of a possible purchase, he maintains that he wants community input to craft a vision for the historic lakeside property in western Montana's Swan Valley. But details remain murky of what, if anything, might come of the wealthy Montana entrepreneur's bid for taking over the cherished property at Missoula County's far northern end.

At an initial Sept. 3 meeting at Condon Community Center, Jacobsen and business partner Thomas Knowles — husband to Jacobsen's niece — announced their intent to purchase the circa-1946 lodge. Jacobsen scheduled a series of further meetings at the small log-cabin-style community center and library on state Highway 83 to hear community input and, eventually, present a vision for the lodge's future that he said he hopes will be both financially viable and generally acceptable to most locals.

According to a handwritten meeting schedule Jacobsen presented Wednesday night, the first meeting earlier this month was an "intro/meet + greet/Q&A" session. Wednesday's nearly three-hour session, which began at 6 p.m.

, was aimed at co-creating "the vision." Jacobsen is set to hold additional meetings Sept. 25 ("draft vision/strategy?"), Oct.

2 ("Don't do/Can't do?"), and Oct. 23 ("draft master development plan?"). Holland Lake Lodge, Inc.

— the business, the buildings and other infrastructure — is a private company. But it'.