Prosecutors release shocking update about anti-Israel protesters who set American flag alight and shouted 'Allahu Akbar' in Washington during Netanyahu's speech READ MORE: D.C. police is gas masks pepper spray protestors in violent clash By Jon Michael Raasch, Political Reporter In Washington, D.

C., For Dailymail.Com Published: 23:20, 26 July 2024 | Updated: 23:20, 26 July 2024 e-mail 1 View comments Anti-Israel protestors and Hamas sympathizers who desecrated Washington, D.

C.'s Union Station have learned their fates. A minimum of eight people who participated in the anti-Israel protest during Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 's speech Wednesday are now facing federal criminal charges after defacing federal property and fighting police.

Some protestors, however, have had their charges dropped by more lenient Washington, D.C. prosecutors.

Frederick Coates, Crow Momamome and Antonio Somerville have all been charged with attempting to carry a dangerous weapon, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in D.

C. Nathaniel Lawrence, Sonia Krishan and Roger Miller have been charged with attempted theft. Zachary Kam has been charged with two counts of assaulting a police officer.

And Essa Ejelat has been charged with making threats. The American flag was reportedly taken off of a flag pole outside of D.C.

's Union Station train terminal before being burned by anti-Israel protestors. The demonstration began outside of Capitol Hill during Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's address to .