A proposed change to the three metre tree rule in Sutherland Shire has been killed off by the new council. or signup to continue reading The change proposed by Liberal members of the last council would have allowed residents and developers to remove trees within three metres of dwellings or pools where a development application was approved. Ninety-one per cent of respondents were opposed to the proposed change when the council engaged in community consultation.
Despite the overwhelming feedback, the council decided before the September election to defer a decision pending another report by staff. That recommendation was considered at the November 25 council meeting and was supported by a vote of 9-4. The existing system, which provides for a merit assessment of any proposal for tree removal in a DA, will continue to be the policy.
The staff report said, "Trees in the Sutherland Shire are considered a significant part of the local character and a resource for the well-being of local community and the future generations. "Trees are valuable assets, contributing to the scenic quality, neighbourhood amenity and habitat of the local area. "A beautiful, protected and healthy natural environment and a high-quality urban environment, supporting a growing and liveable community are two key outcomes of the Community Strategic Plan.
"The draft amendment will allow removal of trees on private land without being subject to merit assessment by Council under the development application pro.