A PROPOSED industrial unit complex on land owned by Wests Group threatens to flatten a slice of paradise at the end of an unassuming cul-de-sac in Cardiff. Login or signup to continue reading The community garden on Gorleston Terrace has been a labour of love for Carol and Graham 'Tex' McMurray, who have poured countless hours and hard-earned cash into the project for the last 40 years. It has become a special place for street celebrations, wedding photographs, a quiet place to ponder and a tiny corner of adventure for kids from the nearby childcare centre thanks to Mrs McMurray's adept green thumb.

"I've always loved gardening, so that's how it started, and I've been doing it ever since," Mrs McMurray said. "We've got children in the street and everything, and they all enjoy it, it's not just me personally, it's the whole street. "[If the project goes ahead] I would sell up and move, I couldn't stand to look at a great big concrete wall and buildings that are going to be straight on top of me.

"It would just be devastating, I just couldn't do it." Wests Group has lodged a $10.3 million development application for a light industrial complex on Munibung Road near the club for a range of businesses, including small business owners and 'start up' companies.

Residents of Gorleston Terrace have made multiple submissions opposing the project, which they argue will impact the community garden, contribute to noise and light pollution and increase the risk of "intoxicated" patrons wan.