As go the counties surrounding Philadelphia, so goes the nation. The image above is being mailed to voters in those PA suburbs by a Trump PAC portentously calling itself the “Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania.” In bright, eye-catching yellow, the mailer declares that Trump “did not write” and “does not support” Project 2025, the 920-page manifesto written by the prospective inhabitants of a reanimated Trump administration.

The problem with those assertions is twofold. No, Trump did not “write” this meticulous playbook for his incoming administration. Trump’s actual written work is practically non-existent and it’s not even clear he can put two coherent sentences together.

So, that assertion in the mailer is accurate. But that’s actually the point. The self-styled “ Mandate for Leadership ” that is Project 2025 was written for him by his closest policy advisors, including numerous cabinet secretaries and appointees who worked in his prior administration.

These are, quite simply, the only people Trump knows who could possibly staff an incoming administration. There are no others within his orbit. Nor has the Trump campaign given the slightest indication that it would seek out anyone other than the authors of this travesty to control the federal government and its panoply of federal agencies.

So, Project 2025 is a fait accompli, authored by Trump administration officials who would, in fact, staff any future administration. It is not only thei.