Puerto Vallarta is globally renowned as a dream tourist destination, with its beaches, landscapes, and vibrant nightlife. However, beyond the tourism industry, there is a local community that lives and breathes in this space, where art and culture are much more than attractions for visitors; they are the very essence of identity and social cohesion. In this sense, La Gata Foro Bar provides a space for the development of skills, talent, and artistic expression.

Promoting and supporting art and culture projects aimed at local residents is essential for strengthening the sense of belonging and social fabric in Puerto Vallarta. These projects not only provide a space for artistic expression but also offer the community opportunities to connect, share, and preserve their cultural heritage. Through art, the history of the region can be narrated, celebrating its unique traditions and values.

While tourists come and go, the residents of Puerto Vallarta are the ones who keep the local culture alive over time. Art and culture projects aimed at them contribute to the formation of a shared identity, fostering community pride. These programs can include everything from art workshops to cultural festivals and exhibitions of local artists, creating an environment where local talent is nurtured and flourishes.

Coral Arroyo, the Director and creator of La Gata Foro Bar, has worked tirelessly, without local government support, to promote and enhance the abilities of both local and internationa.