Project 2025 is every conservative fascistic dream rolled into one. Under the rubric of liberty and freedom, the 886-page totalitarian manifesto proposes a government structured to protect the interests of rich white men. A government designed to promote profit over people.

A government of plantation owners, for plantation owners, by plantation owners. Its proposals are so extreme that even the man the plan was crafted for, Trump, has distanced himself from this reactionary fever dream. And right-wing media’s talking heads have remained mum on the subject.

On the political left, commentators have explained its intent and warned of its excess. Liberals, centrists, and even some old-school Reagan/Bush-style Republicans are horrified by its Orwellian strategy for government by Big Brother. However, most of the conversation around Project 2025 has been commentary at a remove.

We all know its intent to downsize and politicize the administrative state. But what does it actually say? What is the vocabulary of 21st-century American Nazis? To get a handle on those questions let’s look at how it proposes to reduce women to handmaids through forced birth. The manifesto’s authors are zealots, who fancy themselves academics and are well aware their extremism has limited appeal.

As a result, their work product is a weighty tome, well-formatted, extensively footnoted, whose dystopian goals are disguised by anodyne section headings. You will not find a chapter that states “Here’s h.