Priyanka Chopra graced the closing night of the 2024 Red Sea International Film Festival alongside her husband, Nick Jonas , where she was honored with the prestigious Red Sea Honorary Award by Sarah Jessica Parker. The actress shared her gratitude on Instagram, posting pictures from the red carpet and expressing her thanks for the honor: "Thank you for the wonderful honour, Red Sea Film Festival. Congratulations to all the winners and participants.

Here’s to continually bringing the world of entertainment together." For the star-studded event, Priyanka stunned in a silver gown by the luxury brand Oscar De La Renta from their Spring 2025 collection. The gown was nothing short of breathtaking, with reflective bugle bead embroidery that caught the light from every angle.

The dress featured an origami rose motif on the bust, a strapless plunging neckline, a body-hugging silhouette, and a dramatic thigh-high slit at the back. The floor-length gown added a striking, ethereal touch as she posed with Nick on the red carpet. Shraddha Kapoor & Andrew Garfield’s Epic Crossover Breaks The Internet; Fans React Priyanka accessorized her look with sparkling diamond earrings, rings, and silver stilettos to complement the gown’s shimmer.

Her makeup was equally glamorous with mascara-coated lashes, glossy pink lips, shimmering eye shadow, winged eyeliner, and rosy cheeks. She completed the look with wavy hair styled in a center part and soft, natural waves, while her light pink-manicure.