A multi-million-pound golf resort plan for the outskirts of St Andrews has run into opposition from locals. Angry Feddinch residents say the proposal, stretching for a mile along the St Andrews skyline, contravenes green belt rules and excludes locals. And they argue the private club will do little to benefit the area.

One man who lives near the site said: “It is not a hotel and golf club that will be accessible to the Scottish public. “It’s a private members only club on a gated site. “Once again we’re selling off chunks of so that overseas businessmen can profit with no benefit to locals.

” He adds: “Residents at are not nimbys. “They are very much in favour of a golf course – but they want it done in a way that is sympathetic.” American firm for the 100-hectare Feddinch site last month.

Alongside the hotel and 18-hole course, they propose a gatehouse, floodlit driving range, spa, six houses and a multi-event venue. It comes two years after Alvarez and Marsal However residents say it sets a bad precedent. They claim the raises ethical and legal issues.

“Golf course land in Scotland is legally accessible to the public under the Land Reform Act,” the man says. “Secondly, green belt land can be used for sporting purposes but only when they encourage participation and access to green spaces. “This is clearly not the case here.

” Fourteen households have so far announced their intention to object before the September 25 deadline. And Cameron Community.