Princess Kate left fans astonished by the price tag of her festive designer ensemble. The 42-year-old was caught wearing a red Miu Miu cardigan that was worth an eye-watering £1,350 . The Princess of Wales wore a beautiful red jumper last year as part of a special set for her annual concert,Together at Christmas, which is held at Westminister Abbey.
She put on a surpise tea party for those who mentor children. Kate is known for her charitable work and often gives back to the community, especially in areas such as mental health, early years, young people, and sports. However, not all of her efforts are publicised, and often, she quietly works on projects and hosts meetings behind the scenes.
She recently battled an unspecified cancer, which required preventative chemotherapy. Despite stepping back from engagements, it has been said that she still worked away from the public eye on causes she was passionate about. However, her Christmas look left people shocked after she adorned herself in the expensive ensemble.
The Princess paired her red knitwear with matching trousers and Cassandra Goad pearl earrings. Her opulent cashmere-jacquard cardigan featured a diamond pattern embellished with white and black roses, accentuated by a detachable cotton collar. Leaping to social media, fans to X, formerly known as Twitter, after they discovered the staggering price.
One person said: “A sweater for £1350?!!” While a second added: “She looks great but this sweater is too expensive.