Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters Members of the Royal Family need a strong work ethic and the ability to listen to people from all different walks of life. The King and members of his family find themselves at events with people from around the world, constantly surrounded by different languages. So most of The Firm do their best to learn different languages, with The Prince of Wales being able to speak an impressive six.

Prince William can reportedly hold a conversation in French, German, Gaelic, Spanish and can even converse in Swahili - having reportedly taught himself the language during his time at university. And it would appear that Prince William's three children, Prince George , Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis , are following in their father's footsteps - and it's all thanks to their nanny. The young Wales children are incredibly privileged in many ways, but one of their biggest benefits is having a nanny.

Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo received her training at the prestigious Norland College in Bath and started working for the family in 2014. The Spanish native heralds from the city of Palencia and is understood to be teaching her three royal charges the language. The Princess of Wales proudly told well-wishers at a farm visit in 2017 that Prince George (then three) could already count to ten in the langu.