Royal couple Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have had to halt their search of a new home in the United Kingdom as they wait for their taxpayer-funded security arrangements with the Home Office to be resolved. The Duke lost his High Court challenge against the government regarding his security in the U.K.

and described the matter as unfair. He feels his family is unsafe without crucial security and protection. “Harry really does want to spend more time in the UK but doesn’t feel comfortable doing that until the security issues have been ironed out,” a source told The Express.

“He and Meghan planned on looking for a part-time home near Windsor this year and hoped that the appeals process would be heard before the end of July so that they could properly start their search. However, the court process seems to be taking its time,” the source added. We all know what an attention seeker Meghan Markle is and the extent that she is willing to go to get publicity.

She wants to be noticed at any cost by Hollywood biggies. And to get that her latest stunt is to show off their new and glamorous California life. That’s what a royal expert told Palace Confidential according to a report published in Daily Mail.

In fact, the report says that Meghan Markle is treating like a ‘red carpet event’. Faking it for sure because she wants to break into the world of show business. Harry and Meghan treating life like a red carpet event According to reports.