Given the increasing need for investment in infrastructure and services, we’ll have to raise council tax, parking charges and other fees to fund the delivery of services we all rely on. We are considering a recommended 8 per cent rise in council tax. An 8 per cent increase adds £9.
67 on a band D property and would provide a total of over £26 million across all bands, for investment and service provision priorities. A huge amount of work has already taken place to consider options, with detailed proposals considered yesterday at a special meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee. This has been informed by a huge consultation exercise with residents, and I want to thank all 3200 people who took part.
We know from the consultation responses that people are aware of the financial challenges we face following years of underfunding, and many are open to a fair rise to council tax after last year’s freeze. Other councils are proposing increases of 10 per cent and above, but we’re trying to keep Edinburgh’s increase lower because that’s what the majority of residents would prefer. Residents also told us they’d like to see councillors focus on several key priorities when setting this year’s budget.
These include spending on education, investing in local facilities and upgrading our roads and pavements. We’ll use the money from an increase in council tax to protect and improve these services. Investment proposals include continuing the extra £12.
5m for roads an.