THE 79th United Nations General Assembly High Level meetings begin here on Monday, with President Mnangagwa being represented by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Dr Fredrick Shava. Yesterday, Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet (Presidential Communications) Mr George Charamba said President Mnangagwa will not be attending this year’s UN General Assembly in New York owing to a tight schedule. “In light of a dense programme in the last quarter of 2024, His Excellency, the President, Dr E.

D Mnangagwa, will not attend this year’s United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA. His statement will be delivered by Honourable Fredrick Shava, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade who is already in New York for the Assembly,” he said in a statement. The world is converging here to tackle global challenges that include climate change, poverty, inequality, wars and instability that confront some countries today.

The Assembly is running under the theme, “Leaving No One Behind, Acting Together For The Advancement of Peace And Future Generations”. Key meetings include stock-taking of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals whose cycle ends in 2030. Many remain outstanding but most countries represented here are confident something will be salvaged over the next six years.

Some of the SDGs include no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clea.