A pregnant woman has revealed why she doesn’t want her doctor husband to deliver their baby. In a post shared to the Am I the A**hole Reddit forum, a 35-year-old pregnant woman explained that she and her husband, a family doctor medicine, are having an ongoing disagreement about their birth plan. Her husband, 35, wants to deliver the baby, but she wants him to leave things to her doctors, and hold her hand throughout the delivery.

“My husband really wants to deliver the baby which I can kind of understand,” she wrote. “It’s not uncommon for doctors to deliver their own kid. There is still an OBGYN there monitoring everything, and the doctor father steps in at the last minute as mom is crowning to just catch the baby.

” “My husband has I guess always dreamed of being the one to pull the baby out, while I pictured it very differently,” she continued. “I thought he would be up by my head, holding my hand and helping me through it.” He told her that while he does plan on holding her hand, she won’t need to at the very end when he pulls the baby out.

He added that his mother could step in and hold her hand instead. “I’ve been on my own since I was a kid living in my car, so I don’t have anyone I’d want in there with me except him,” she explained. “I don’t really even want his mom in there.

She’s great, but he’s my person. I know it would be ‘cool’ for him to deliver our baby, but I really feel like I need him there.” She added that sinc.