Aarhus University researchers have come up with a new technique that may represent a major advancement in the treatment of chronic renal disease . The technique has the ability to forecast how the illness will evolve, which may guarantee more effective and individualised care and lessen the frequency of hospital stays. A new technique has been developed by researchers at Aarhus University to identify individuals with chronic renal failure who are most likely to eventually lose their kidney function.

The technique is predicated on the examination of urine sample acid-base balances, which might identify early indicators of acid accumulation, a condition that may be detrimental to kidney function. "We discovered that the balance between different acid-base elements in urine samples from patients with chronic kidney disease differs significantly from healthy individuals. This led us to develop a calculation model where the relationship between several of the urine's acid-base elements could be associated with kidney function and disease progression over time," explains Mads Vaarby Sorensen, PhD and researcher at the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University.

ALSO READ: 7 telltale signs of kidney disease you may be ignoring The new method allows doctors to detect acid buildup earlier than is possible with current blood tests. According to Mads Vaarby Sorensen, existing biomarkers can only measure acid buildup when it is severe enough to affect the blood's acid-base balance. The.