Telugu star Nani recently found himself at the center of a controversy after lashing out at Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi for his remarks on Prabhas' performance in the upcoming film Kalki 2898 AD. Following a wave of reactions on social media, Nani has now expressed regret for his choice of words, acknowledging that the situation was blown out of proportion. A Change of Heart: Nani Reflects On His Words In a recent interview with Mid-Day, Nani clarified his earlier comments, admitting that his reaction was driven by his deep affection for Prabhas.

"When it’s about someone you love dearly, you naturally react and say, ‘Why give so much importance to an unimportant matter?’" Nani explained. However, after seeing the widespread reactions online, he revisited Warsi's full interview and realized that his own comments had been "blown out of proportion." Nani initially responded to Warsi's critique of Prabhas, translated as calling the actor a "joker" in the film, during a press conference for his latest movie Saripodhaa Sanivaaram.

In his sharp rebuke, Nani stated, "The person that you’re referring to, this must be the most publicity he has got in his life. You are unnecessarily glorifying an unimportant matter." While this comment garnered applause from Prabhas' fans, it also drew criticism, particularly from audiences in the Hindi-speaking regions.

Nani Acknowledges His Misstep Reflecting on his remarks, Nani acknowledged that his words were poorly chosen and emphasized t.