PPP convention elects former interim chief Han Dong-hoon as party's newest leader President Yoon Suk Yeol, right, shakes hands with Han Dong-hoon, left, the new People Power Party leader, during a national convention held at Kintex in Goyang, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday. [JOINT PRESS CORPS] The conservative People Power Party (PPP)'s former interim chief, Han Dong-hoon, was decisively elected his party's new leader at its national convention in Gyeonggi on Tuesday. Han received 62.

8 percent of the vote, ending the election in the first round by overwhelming his competitors in a four-way race that included Rep. Na Kyung-won, Land Minister Won Hee-ryong and Rep. Yoon Sang-hyun.

"As long as I am the party leader, I won't put you in harm's way. Instead, I will face the challenges head-on and lead you through them," Han said in his acceptance speech at Kintex in Goyang, Gyeonggi. "Today, we push through the storm and move toward the future.

Let's start this journey of change together." President Yoon Suk Yeol also attended the PPP's national convention for the second consecutive year and said, "We are a community bound by destiny on the same boat, and we are one," emphasizing the need for unity and solidarity between the party and the government. The PPP's next leader will define the tone for relations between the conservative party and the Yoon administration, both reeling from the liberal Democratic Party's (DP) landslide victory in the April 10 general election.

Han is confident that .