Armed conflicts continue around the world, inflicting horrific pain and suffering, which establish that every war is a tragedy but the greater tragedy today is that these conflicts are no longer necessary or inevitable. Experts claim that they can be resolved quickly, easily, safely and at low cost. We got one such expert on board to describe a simple approach — a technology, actually — that has been proven effective again and again over the past 50 years and has been tested in locations around the world, East and West, and at every scale of society, from cities and countries to the world as a whole.

Its effectiveness has been validated in 58 studies published in 28 peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly journals like the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Social Indicators Research, the Journal of Mind and Behavior, the International Journal of Neuroscience, and the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. In other words, the expert claimed that this technology works, consistently and no existing approach to peace — ceasefires, peacekeeping forces, mediation, negotiation — offers anything comparable. Unconventional and highly efficacious In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MAAR, shared, “Turn back the clock forty-one years, to the summer of 1983.

Lebanon, my home country, is engulfed in a violent civil war that has been raging for eight long years, immune to all attempts to stop it. That summer, about 200 people check into a hotel in downtown.