Massive fans were given a chance to take part in a new spin-off, , but they think the deal went awry. The application process for the new show explained that prospects would need to sign up with a team and take a screening test. If they made it through the basics, they'd be contacted further.

A fan on claimed that they were selected to proceed, but production left them hanging. They wrote: "My team was selected to be on Pop Culture Jeopardy. We responded to the email and filled out all the background check information but since then nothing.

I don't think there was anything in the background check that would have been an issue so what's going on? Do we just need to be patient? Shooting starts next week so we expected we would've heard something by now." It turns out that they weren't the only ones facing some shifty communication. "Same for our team! Filled out the background check and still haven’t heard a thing.

Stressing us out in terms of trying to take off days from work and planning travel, "another person wrote while others tried their best to offer advice. Mega fans took to the audience ticket request page, noting that the filming is set to begin on Aug. 17, but tickets weren't even posted yet for reservation.

Fans speculated that there's a delay with production with some pointing out that the host, Colin Jost, was recently injured while covering the Olympics for NBC. The fan said: "Perhaps there's some question about his ability to stand at a lectern for 5-6 shows .