The term speedster, as it applies to automobiles, comes from the race cars of the first days of the automobile industry in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Those vehicles were stripped of any extraneous equipment, including the roof to reduce weight and increase speed, came to be known as "Speedsters." Porsche has been using the Speedster moniker on its since 1954, usually with a two-seat layout, unique rear cowl where the rear seats would be, and a shortened windshield.

However, the Type 993, which includes the years 1995-1998, was never given a factory Speedster option. One customer, who also happens to be an architect and designer, used the German company's reimagined Sonderwunsch customization program to build the vehicle Porsche never did. It goes on display at The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering, one of the premiere events of .

Where Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur is focused on offering elevated personalization for existing models, the company told Sonderwunsch allows the customer to, "within the limits of their market's regulations," work directly with the engineers and designers of Porsche to collaboratively create a true one-off. "As a young boy, I fell head over heels in love with the puristic Porsche Speedster. I had to work very hard to be able to afford my first Porsche, a Speedster 1600 Super from 1955.

Ever since, I've managed to live my passion, or more precisely, my Speedstermania," said new owner Luca Trazzi in a press release. "My dream was to complete my colle.