YOU MIGHT have thought librarians have an easy job sorting through fantasy books and romance novels - but it seems these stories often jump off the pages and become a reality for these bookworms. These hardworking book lovers see far stranger things than any fiction book could write up, from illicit affairs in dark corners to visitors using the WiFi to watch their favourite saucy films. 7 Librarians are used to seeing drama and action - and not just within the novels available on the shelves Credit: Getty 7 The drama doesn't just take place within the books themselves Credit: Getty Libraries have become busier than ever, visits jumped by 71 per cent between 2022 and 2023 , and one in three of us now use one, but it seems not everyone is going there to rent out their favourite Agatha Christie book.

Recently, a library in Essex was forced to hire guards after they saw 50 incidents of anti-social behaviour in three months, while other libraries have seen youngsters throwing books around and even climbing on the roof. Librarians may seem to always have their nose in a book, but it turns out they've got their eyes on more than that and see every little detail of what you're up to in there. Fabulous' bookworm - who has manned libraries in the Midlands for more than 30 years - spills the beans.

.. READ MORE SECRET CONFESSIONS PTA SECRETS I’m a teacher - PTA WhatsApp groups are hotbeds for nasty gossip and worse GETTING FRISKY AL FRESCO I’m a mum & a secret dogger – I play with .