Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, (SLTPB) in collaboration with the Sri Lankan Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, arranged a warm welcome for the JTBC Media Group, which is a popular Media group in South Korea, which caters to all Audiences and has a wide media coverage across the world. The group consisting of 8 members, recently arrived in Sri Lanka for a tour, in order to promote the main attractions, culture and cuisine of the country. They were warmly welcomed at the Bandaranaike International Airport on their arrival, by the TIC officials and officials of the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) and also received souvenirs, as a memoir of their visit.

They also selected Sri Lanka this time in order to have a few picturesque shots of the Island, for their new reality programme, ‘’ ‘’Extreme Tour’ ’Which includes a popular Korean celebrity taking the audience on a tour of a new destination. It was launched recently and hopes to release their latest episode on Sri Lanka in September 2024. It was with this purpose they toured Sri Lanka and visited the best places to do the filming and get some stunning shots of the island.

They captured shots of different locations of Sri Lanka including Pidurangalla, Dambulla, Temple of tooth kandy, Haputhale and Madu Ganga. The filming took place from 12 th August – 17 th August 2024, supported by Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, (SLTPB) in arranging and getting the necessary approvals for the filming locations. SLTPB.