Brussels is renowned worldwide for its gastronomy scene, particularly for Belgian waffles, chocolate, and French fries, which despite the name, are believed to have originated in Belgium . A quintessential capital city, full of Art Deco taverns, unique Flemish art, and towering Gothic cathedrals, Brussels is also home to famous landmarks. The European destination effortlessly draws in over a million tourists annually, many of which visit the famed statue known as Manneken Pis.

In Brussels since 1619, the statue has been the second-most visited attraction in Brussels with more than 30,000 visitors every day. But some tourists have been less than impressed by it, labelling it "overrated" and a letdown. The enthralling Manneken Pis statue is a small bronze creation, with the likeness of a boy whimsically urinating into a fountain's basin stands.

Despite standing at a mere 55cm tall, it's the second most popular attraction in Brussels. Its origins are shrouded in mystery and legend. The most well-known tale tells of a young noble lord who, during a fierce battle, was hoisted into an oak tree from where he proceeded to pee on the opposing forces, securing victory for his troops.

Contrasting sharply with its prominent status on tourist maps, Manneken Pis has notably failed to impress some sightseers. A tourist identified as 'Judy S' lamented their experience on Tripadvisor: "Don't bother..

.overrated and overcrowded! We arrived at the statue and found at least 100 others trying to g.