Pune: Over four months after the civic administration's repair and maintenance works in auditoriums across the city, artists remain unhappy with the facilities in Balgandharva Rangmandir on JM Road. This May, the auditorium was reopened after being closed for nearly a month. Repairs at that time involved fixing the air conditioning, replacing chairs, maintenance of toilets and upgrade of the VIP room.

However, artists have continued to complain about damaged chairs, limited parking space, and unclean restrooms. Shivajinagar MLA Siddharth Shirole and senior artist Prashant Damle met Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) officials on Wednesday to urge them to speed up the pending repairs. "Despite recent renovations, many issues persist.

The work is expected to be completed within the next eight to 10 days," a press statement issued by Shirole's office said. Damle, who is also the chairman of theatre artists' organisation Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Natya Parishad, urged PMC to set aside funds to maintain the auditoriums under its jurisdiction. "Balgandharva Rangmandir is dear to all artists.

Despite recent renovations, major issues like parking, stage and auditorium AC systems, restrooms, canteen and lodging facilities, necessary manpower, sound systems, and modern makeup rooms remain unresolved. Artists frequently complain about these issues," Damle said. He suggested that PMC should invest Rs 10 crore to Rs 20 crore in fixed deposits to fund these facilities through the interest earn.