Tonight, an interesting poll question: what do you like best about living in Canada? And are those things getting better or worse? We like referring to Abacus Data precisely because it isn’t conservative. Its affiliations are with the Liberal Party, so when they say something we like to hear, we know it’s not just wishful thinking. A recent poll asked, "What do you like best about living in Canada and is it getting better or worse?" What would you say? 32% of respondents answered "freedom.

" Isn’t that amazing? You thought it had been drummed out of us by the state and the regime media and by our Communist teacher's unions. But 32% still say freedom. 19% say natural beauty and the environment.

They’re not talking about paper straws and banning plastic bags and carbon taxes. They’re talking about what the word environment used to mean — places to go hiking and camping and picnicking and sightseeing, going to the mountains or a national park. Opportunities and standard of living are third, at 10%.

Safety is next. Isn’t that interesting? Do you feel safer in Canada? Maybe if you’re in a small town. It's doubtful that there’s a soul in any big city that feels safer, especially when you have massive crime waves, often driven by foreign gangs.

You’ll note that health care is down to just 7%. Back in the day, when people asked about Canadian identity, half the time the answer had to do with medicare. No one thinks that anymore, do they? But even more interesting i.