Warning: This story discusses suicide. Philip Polkinghorne's lawyer said Pauline Hanna spent thousands of dollars on clothing, beauty and at department stores, using the couple's shared bank account. Polkinghorne is on trial for murdering Hanna in 2021, and staging her death as a suicide.

Defence lawyer, Ron Mansfield KC, told the High Court in Auckland today spending which appeared to be attributable to Hanna was $33,745 in 2019 and $39,225 in 2020. Between 10 January 2019 and 20 December 2019 he said she spent $6647 on womenswear, $2595 on mens and womenswear and $8781 at department stores. From 9 January 2020 to 23 December 2020 he said she spent $5679 on womenswear, $1264 at department stores, $8056 on beauty, $5095 on hair and $5933 on drycleaning.

In 2021, he said her spending up until her death on 4 April was $8593. During Mansfield KC's examination, forensic accountant, Margaret Skilton, agreed bank statements showed Hanna appeared to have access to the shared bank account. The Crown earlier told the court Polkinghorne had control of the couple's finances.

The Crown and Skilton said Hanna had one account solely in her name, which was overdrawn by $91 at the time of her death. Mansfield KC, also showed the court what he said was Polkinghorne's will. The will left the remaining balance of the former eye surgeon's estate after forgiveness of debt to Hanna.

Yesterday, the court heard Polkinghorne spent a total of $296,645 on women other than Hanna between 2016 and 2021 be.