A Colorado dentist was arrested at a Florida airport after flying there to allegedly meet a mother — who turned out to be an undercover investigator — and her eight-year-old daughter for sex. Dr. James Jason Atha, 50, is accused of messaging who he believed to be a single mother from Florida for ten months until he touched down at Palm Beach International Airport on August 9, the Daily Mail reported.

“I would love to find mother-daughter to play with,” the Broomfield man allegedly wrote in one message, detailing what sexual acts he wanted to do with the girl — who never existed. When the undercover agent asked Atha if he had had sexual relations with another mother-daughter pair before, federal investigators said he replied, “Unfortunately no.” “I have had so many of what I thought were opportunities, only to get ghosted when it got down to it,” the disgraced doctor wrote, according to a 27-page indictment that the Palm Beach Post obtained.

When the decoy mother described how she supposedly groomed her young daughter with sex toys, Atha reportedly replied, “That’s a beautiful thing. I would sooo love to be a part of that.” As Atha worked out the details to meet up with the woman and her daughter, the agent repeatedly asked him to confirm that he wanted to have sexual intercourse with the child.

Though expressing anxiety, he said yes each time, the indictment states. “I am very nervous but serious,” Atha allegedly wrote in one message. “In my head.