Tuesday, September 24, 2024 In recent years, the demand for modern, sophisticated and versatile spaces to hold meetings, conferences or high-level meetings has grown significantly. Hotels specialized in business events have responded effectively, offering personalized services. The event halls in Polanco stand out not only for their privileged location, but also for providing first-class facilities and services adapted to all types of groups and needs.

The evolution in the business lifestyle and the way of relating to clients and employees has generated new trends in the organization of events, where technology has played a key role. One of the most marked and constantly growing trends is the hybrid modality, which combines in-person sessions with their virtual transmission, allowing more people to participate remotely. Companies are holding conferences with speakers, moderators and attendees present in the rooms, while the event is broadcast live to a broader online audience.

To offer a more immersive and interactive experience, organizations incorporate virtual reality tools into their events, allowing them to showcase products or services in a more dynamic way, such as demonstrations of housing complexes, video games, smart devices and more. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has also found its place in the planning and execution of these events, whether by collecting and analyzing data on customer satisfaction in real time or by using chatbots that answer questions from attende.