Gyms are the only way to collect in so everyone is baffled by trainers leaving them empty after clearing the Defenders, making it impossible to collect any Coins. This strange trend has been on the rise since July 2024 and those trying to put their in these blank Gyms are getting thrown out in no time. Earlier, the kicked-out were usually replaced by other teams but now, they are left empty for hours.

Keeping Defenders in Gyms for at least eight hours is required to farm the daily cap of 50 PokeCoins. But, getting Gyms cleared within minutes results in a haul of absolutely no Coins. These occurrences have been getting on everyone’s nerves, making Reddit users like ‘c4mh4z3’ wonder if it should be reported to Niantic Support.

Others pointed out that the same has been happening to them, and just like the OP, they too are confused. Players said, “There’s a gym a few streets over from me where this keeps happening! I don’t know who is keeping it empty” and stated that such blank Gyms are not getting occupied by anyone. As more highlighted similar incidents, users found common ground in their experiences, as no one was seen taking over the Gym You should know that spoofers use third-party apps to remotely change their location to any place in the world.

While this is an anti-ToS (terms of service) act and Niantic often bans them, such players are always present in Pokemon Go. Fans called out such players for using the “tactic” of not letting anyone collect Coins .