The fan-favorite event returned on August 2, but a huge change to this year’s edition has pushed players away, with many having given up already. Since its debut in 2017, Adventure Week has allowed trainers to . From classics like Omanyte to meta attackers like Rampardos, this is the best time to stack up on candy and hunt down each prehistoric Pokemon’s Shiny form.

At least that should have been the case, but Adventure Week 2024 only features Omanyte, Kabuto, and the occasional Aerodactyl as boosted spawns in the wild. Every other dinosaur has only been available by hatching 7km eggs and completing either Field Research or . This change has not gone down well, with Pokemon Go players taking to Reddit to complain, with asking, “How are they not gonna include our favorite dino as a spawn?” in response to Tyrunt’s absence.

Others were equally unhappy, describing the event as “basically a research day/hatch day combined and disguised as an Adventure Week with abysmal Shiny rates.” Comparing it to past events, a different player commented, “Yeah, it’s a bit lame. Last year was way more fun with Amaura, Tyrunt, and Archen in the spawn,” with none of the three appearing in the wild this time.

In the , a frustrated trainer called the event “an insult to players” before adding, “Back in like 2019, we were doing tasks on Adventure Week to ‘Evolve 3 Lilleep’ and ‘Evolve 3 Anorith’. So five years ago, they considered these common and extremely disposabl.