Compiled by Tess Connery and James Manning Media Heads is a production company run by audio veterans Dave Carter (ex-MCM, Crocmedia, SCA) and Peter Saxon (ex-Radiowise). The business specialises in the production of podcasts, audio, and video content. In recent years, it has been working on projects for the Australian Federal Police.

The latest production for the force is the podcast series Search Among the Sunflowers, the five-part series which commemorates the 10th anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 on 17 July. The commercial passenger plane was shot down over eastern Ukraine in 2014, killing all 298 passengers and crew on board. The AFP and other Australian agencies were heavily involved in the humanitarian mission to enter the crash site (in the middle of an active conflict zone) to retrieve, identify, and repatriate human remains, as well as the examination of evidence for the forensic investigation and eventual criminal prosecution.

Dave Carter told Mediaweek the 18-month project featured some heartbreaking interviews with Australian families who lost loved ones on board MH17. The podcast also features exclusive interviews with members of the AFP, the Dutch National Police, the Dutch Prosecution Service, and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), as well as former Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and the former head of the Australian Defence Force, Sir Angus Houston . [Listen to Search Among the Sunflowers] Foot.