A critical and highly disputed six-minute timespan is at the heart of the PnB Rock murder trial that finished closing arguments Tuesday and is now in the hands of a jury in Compton, California. Prosecutors say the six minutes between 1:14 p.m.

and 1:20 p.m. on Sept.

12, 2022, was the time it took for murder defendant Freddie Trone, 42, to drive out of a Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles parking lot, arm his 17-year-old son with a semi-automatic gun, a ski mask, and a robbery plot, and then deliver the teen back to the restaurant for what would lead to the murder of PnB Rock , born Rakim Allen. Trone’s defense lawyer, Winston McKesson, gave jurors an alternate scenario during his closing argument Tuesday. He said Trone left the Roscoe’s at 1:14 p.

m., drove to his beauty supply shop two minutes away, turned his back to use a bathroom and had his Buick Enclave stolen by his son — who then returned to the Roscoe’s with three others. McKesson urged jurors to scrutinize the surveillance video showing the shooter exiting the car outside the Roscoe’s in South Los Angeles.

He said the teen is seen exiting the Enclave from the seat behind the driver, entering and exiting the Roscoe’s, and running back to the closest backseat door before hesitating and circling around to the backseat on the drivers side. “It tells you that there’s more people in the car,” McKesson argued. He called the video “extremely important,” not only because it allegedly backs up his client’s cl.