The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) claims to have increased the vigilance to check the dumping of debris across the city. However, the activists and residents highlight that adequate action has not been taken. The recent data shared by PMC shows that October recorded the highest number of violations with 63 cases, and fines worth Rs2.

25 lakh have been collected. While there were 46 recorded cases in September, August recorded 33 cases, July 58, June 56, May 35, April 34, March 49, February 47, and in January, there were 24 recorded cases of debris dumping. The violations registered with PMC seem quite low vis-a-vis the actual situation.

Let us know! 👂 What type of content would you like to see from us this year? "Lack of monitoring by PMC" The debris could be seen dumped everywhere, and the lack of monitoring by the civic body is blamed for the situation by Biren Bhatt, an activist. "The serene beauty of Dr Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary along the banks of Mula-Mutha is under threat as hundreds of trucks and tractors, claiming ownership of the area, continue to dump debris and garbage within its boundaries. The other side of the gate can be seen filled with rubble dumping.

The bird sanctuary is a protected area, and debris dumping should be prohibited. The owners continue to dump the debris in the nullah (natural storm drain), choking and narrowing it down during the monsoon, causing overflowing waterlogging like the situation," Bhatt told The Free Press Journal (FPJ). Drayson.