“”On behalf of the Bermuda Progressive Labour Party, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude that Bermuda was spared the loss of life and extensive damage during Hurricane Ernesto,” PLP Chairperson Dawn Simmons said. Ms Simmons said, “We are deeply thankful for the resilience and unity displayed by our community in the face of this formidable storm. The swift response and tireless efforts of our Bermuda Police Service, Fire Service, BELCO, Royal Bermuda Regiment, Medical Workers, Emergency Shelter Personnel, and countless other dedicated individuals ensured that our island not only got safely through the storm but was also quickly restored to normalcy.

“We owe them our deepest thanks for their professionalism and sacrifice, working around the clock to protect and serve us all. “We must also give thanks to the neighbours, family, and friends who, as regular Bermudians, pulled together to help people across our community prepare for the storm and make repairs in the hours after Ernesto left our shores.” “All of this is a reminder that at our core, as a people, we know as former Premier Alex Scott once said, ‘Bermuda works best when Bermuda works together.

’ “The unity we display, whether during a hurricane or even during the recent global pandemic, is a powerful, transformative force that, if we tapped into every day, could further shape, strengthen, and support positive change within our community and help address the collective challenges we face. “By .