Last week’s column was on plant zones for the Antelope Valley, and many of you think it was all about the low temperatures, and that is months away. Yes, it is about the low temperatures, but you are buying and planting plants now that will need to survive this winter. In fact we need to back up from winter.

Fall is the best time to plant most of our landscape plants — the air temperatures are cool and the soil is warm. This combination slows down leaf and stem growth and speeds up root growth — just what newly planted plants need. Planting in spring is tougher on plants with cold soil and warming air temperatures, plus some plants trying to bloom, and our late freezes.

All of these factors make spring planting tough on plants. If fall is the best time to plant, probably October works the best. That gives only us two months to plan the landscape, hopefully with professional help with the design and installation.

Landscaping is a balancing act between function and form. Someone can design the most gorgeous landscape, but if it does not fit your family’s needs and your budget, it is not going to work for you. When it comes to landscape design, most beginners start looking at magazines at pictures of landscapes.

This is important to a landscape designer to get a feel of your style. However, you should start with a list of things you need in your landscape. A landscape should be designed around the way you live, your likes and your needs.

After the functional items are pl.